Sunday, 12 January 2014

Inuyasha bracelet O.o

Hi again! So I've been a bit busy again and made a small prop from Inuyasha, except with a few changes. Well here's the background of what I'm making...

During the Inuyasha series, Inuyasha is given (well kinda forced, but oh well details on how he got it aren't really important) a necklace to seal his power with a single word (sit boy!) When this happens he face-palms into the ground (ouch!)

So, I'm going to make a bracelet version of the necklace using a Native American style bead kit I got for my birthday. Okay, let's start! For the strap I'm going to use a string that looks quite natural (as it's probably quite close to what the real necklace is made of) and cut long enough to go around my wrist with a bit extra (for clasp) Then for the beads I found some black ceramic beads (b) and some claw like beads (c).  So, here's the pattern  bcbbcbbcbbcb thread unto the string and tie a knot at each end where the beads end (make sure they're in the middle first!) and try it around your wrist before getting a clasp  and attaching it. Here I've used a simple screw clasp, but I have also used a ordinary necklace clip as well.

Okay quite large pics..... Oh well! Always look on the bright side of life!

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