Sunday, 17 August 2014

Cosplay Collage

Konnichiwa my Otaku friends! I had some free time so I decided to dress up and make a collage of all the cosplay costumes I've done so far. So here they are!

First is my first cosplay, Ed Elric. Ah, all those hours hand sewing the pattern on the back, but in the end it was worth it right?

Next is my Naruto cosplay (you know, the one which all the photos were deleted). I'm actually super happy with this one. I really wish I could walk around town like this...

And finally, my Rin/Pikachu mix up cosplay. This was made up on my onesie, short blonde wig and Rin headphones, so I didn't really do a post on it (except making the headphones).

So that's it for the minute! Which was your favourite? Hopefully in the future I'll make more cosplays of other characters, but until then, Bye!

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