Thursday, 28 August 2014

YouTube channel XD

Hey! I am back and gonna share some pretty cool news! But first a question.


No idea. Really, I'm clueless. My friend asked me once, but I have no idea what the answer is. Anyway, bad jokes aside, this post is about my YouTube channel..... I'm finally making videos!!! Okay, I was going to mention this in the previous post, but I thought it would be better to do a full post on it now.

 After a lot of persuasion (and I mean a lot) I somehow managed to negotiate with my mum. Please come and watch by searching Rekushi San into the YouTube search bar, it would mean so much to see what you guys think (after all it's gonna be the video version of this blog- sorta) So yeah come and watch!!!! 

So here's the trailer I made...

I had a lot of fun making the video, even if it ended up being 43 seconds (I have to admit, the tackle scene was probably the most fun, plus no one got hurt, which is always a bonus). But anyway please do check it out and give your opinion. I like opinions.

Anyway, that's it for now! Bye!

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