Tuesday 15 December 2015

The Ultimate Wintery Hot Chocolate Recipe!

Hey guys! Here is the recipe to my ultimate wintery hot chocolate! Watch the video here!

So here's what you require:

  • Cocoa powder
  • Sugar/sweetener
  • Milk
  • Ground ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Gingerbread people
  • Mini marshmallows 
  • Whipped cream
  • Hot water
  • Teaspoon
  • Microwave 
  • Mug (duh)
How to make the drink!

  1. Get your cocoa powder and place one heaped teaspoon into your mug so you can't see the bottom of the mug. Then add a sprinkling of sugar according to taste it not too much because otherwise there will be no chocolate flavour. Next add ginger and cinnamon. Through trial and error I discovered that cinnamon is a really strong flavour so you only need a little sprinkle of it (like flecks on chickens or something). Now your ready to add water!
  2. Fill up the kettle so the water is just over the heating ring in the bottom (1/16  of the kettle) and boil. Then add the water (not too much or it will be liquidy) to the dry powder and mix with the teaspoon till it's a paste with no dry powder left. Now for milk!
  3. Now add your milk to the paste and mix the two together, which should create something that looks like chocolate milk. (Don't worry if there's bits of chocolate floating they'll disappear with microwaving). Then place into the microwave for a minute at a medium temperature (though really please make sure you've removed the spoon, it will explode and hurt. A lot.) 
  4. Once your hot chocolate it hot, you can start decorating! Yay! First slice your gingerbread in half and break the bottom half into crumb sizes. Next go crazy with the whip cream and make a spiral on your mug. Finally add the mini marshmallows and gingerbread crumbs to the top and placed the top half of the gingerbread in the cream. 
  5. You're done! Enjoy your hot chocolate!

Hope you all have a great Christmas, Rekushi out! :) 

Monday 10 November 2014

Totoro Keyring!!!

So hey everyone! Sorry for not posting for a while... But anyway, back onto the subject of this post- the Totoro keyring I made in DT out of pewter. Here's a pic of it!

Cool eh? I cut out the design on wood using 2D design and the laser cutter and after casting it spent a couple of lessons filing, wet and drying (sanding for metal) and polishing. Well it was definitely fun making it! I've still have to make a box though with a brass lid (I might do some gallifrayan on it XP) , so look forward to seeing that as well! Bye!

Thursday 9 October 2014

Meeting Kelesy Ellison!!!!

Ohayo! So as you know, I went to Animanga POP expo in Bristol this weekend and did some very cool things and I even got to meet a very special guest! That's right ( as you probably guessed by the title-) Kelesy Ellison!!! So luckily I got to ask her a few questions and she seemed really nice! Here is the link to the video!

Interview with Kelesy Ellison!

So all that ends well! But yeah, I had a great time and thank you Kelesy for giving me the time out of your schedule. Until next time! Bye!

Animanga POP Expo: Return of Rekushi!!!

Hello fellow Otakus! Before we begin, I am soo sorry this post took so long to come out- I was editing the video and I wanted to put a link in this post :). Anyway, remember the Animanga POP Expo I went to earlier this year? Well guess what? They've returned and this time in Bristol!!! So of course I decided to go (I really enjoyed the last one). This time I've entered two competitions (manga and cosplay) so I'm pretty excited!!!
So here's a link to what happened on the day.
So first I transformed into my cosplay...
Cosplay transformation!!

And heres a blog of my day!

So after getting ready in cosplay, ect. we finally arrived after a long drive to the venue. First, I needed to sort out tickets and hand in my drawing for the manga comp. Then afterwards, we walked around some of the stalls and check times/booked in for the cosplay comp as well.

Here are some super amazing awesome photos and clips of the day!

 So Yeah! I had a great day, unfortunately I didn't win either of the manga or the cosplay competition, but life goes on! Thank you soooo much to the organisers and until next time!

Tuesday 30 September 2014


Ohayo! Okay, so this weekend I had some fun in Plymouth celebrating the Japan 400 and did some super fun stuff! I got to do epic craft making (origami cranes X3, drawing manga and ongiri making) and even got to learn how to write my name in Japanese! There were amazing stalls and a market fair. Anyway I had a great weekend and I really enjoyed going round all the stalls and trying all the different things. Until next time!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Professor Layton, Pokemon and other favourite games!!!

Konnichwa my fellow otakus! After spending a week without wifi, I felt like I needed to get some gaming done, not to mention finding a Professor Layton game at a car boot sale- so I decided that I might share with you my top 5 games (DS) to play!!!

1. Pokemon.
It's fun. It's fairly simple and let's just say there's a reason why almost everyone (even non-otakus) have heard of it. I like this game because, no matter how old you get, it's something you'll enjoy. However, even though it's fun to play, it does have some downsides, for example- the repeating plotline. Other than that, great game.

2. Professor Layton.
Good for fans of Sherlock and riddles. I love this game for its great storylines and puzzles, not to mention animated clips in between. The downside is however, that the later games extend to other consoles, which is annoying if you can't afford a new console, or don't want to get one.

3. Super Mario Bros.
Fun. Lasts long. One of the traditional games that everyone loves. It can be irritating, but the epic worlds and levels (plus power ups) are what makes it unique.

4. Final Fantasy.
One of the best RPGs. It has battles, epic graphics and a lot of tactics. I like this game because it has good characters and a nice storyline. Bad points- it's quite confusing trying to fight with 5-8 characters at once!

5. Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games.
Even though I am not the sportiest of people, I enjoy playing this game mainly because it's fun and competitive. The mini games are also great and the wide range of sports you can play is good. Great for a collaboration  character game.

So there we are! I thought it would be nice to do something slightly different to my normal post, seeing as I rarely do any posts to do with gaming. Till next time sayonara!!!

Thursday 28 August 2014

YouTube channel XD

Hey! I am back and gonna share some pretty cool news! But first a question.


No idea. Really, I'm clueless. My friend asked me once, but I have no idea what the answer is. Anyway, bad jokes aside, this post is about my YouTube channel..... I'm finally making videos!!! Okay, I was going to mention this in the previous post, but I thought it would be better to do a full post on it now.

 After a lot of persuasion (and I mean a lot) I somehow managed to negotiate with my mum. Please come and watch by searching Rekushi San into the YouTube search bar, it would mean so much to see what you guys think (after all it's gonna be the video version of this blog- sorta) So yeah come and watch!!!! 

So here's the trailer I made...

I had a lot of fun making the video, even if it ended up being 43 seconds (I have to admit, the tackle scene was probably the most fun, plus no one got hurt, which is always a bonus). But anyway please do check it out and give your opinion. I like opinions.

Anyway, that's it for now! Bye!